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[Poland]Capacitive Sensors

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Capacitive Sensors:
. Non-contact
. Wear-free
. No feedback
. Bounce-free output signal
. LED function display
. Senses nearly any material

Capacitive sensors detect the change in capacitance of an object when it enters the sensor's electrical field. This means a capacitive sensor can detect not only metal, but even non-conductors whose dielectric constants are sufficiently large. Properly selected, a capacitive sensor is also able to "see through" certain non-metallic materials.

This makes it the classical level detector, sensing the presence of absence of liquids or granular material through the container wall. Balluff also offers the appropriate cover nuts which, once installed in the container, allow the capacitive sensor to be mounted and later replaced if necessary without unsealing the vessel.
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Related products: Machines & Tools ->Automatics



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Postal code:35-242
Phone: +48 17 8525575
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Name and Surname: Andrzej Wąsowski
Phone: +48 017 8525575
Mobile: +48 0603644993
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