Business type: |
Manufacturer |
Business type: |
Exporter, Local market |
Number of employees: |
11 - 50 |
Annual sales value: |
Brak danych |
Established year: |
1993 |
Categories: |
Apparel & Fashion |
Contact: |
Firm Rank: 0
Since 1993 the "ARDIK-KRYS" company has been present on the market of the shoe soles' producers.
The soles manufactured by our company are made out of PU (Polyurethane), PVC and TR (thermoplastic rubber). We offer child's, men's and women's soles.
From the very beginning of the company existence we do our best to develop our products and ourselves. This is to ensure that the final product will meet customer's demands and allow introducing into market new designs.
The direct sale takes place in a trade department located in Leńcze 327 where we kindly invite our customers!
Address data
Street: | Leńcze 327 |
City: | Leńcze |
Postal code: | 34-142 |
Region: | Lesser Poland |
Country: | Poland |
Phone: | +48 33 8768543 |
Fax: | +48 33 8768698 |
Contact person |
Name and Surname: | Marek Żerucha |
Phone: | +48 033 8768543 |